
she/her/they/them • 25↑

about me!

• ssaibee/bee
• kor/eng/bhs
• intj
• libra ☀ . cancer ☾ . pisces ↑
minors please don't interact

My Food ♡

Feel free to check my ship chart below and drop by and brainrot with me, if we do share the same interest!


For those who are familiar with this ao3 handle, you're probably aware that I mostly write NSFW contents.

ssaibee's sona

I write and occasionally draw my comfort ships.While I prefer not to interact with minors, I do not have the energy nor the capacity to limit you guys from accessing the contents I make.

And as some—if not most—of the stuffs I make are considered to be 'rated' or 'dark content', kindly interact at your own risk.

my food! — 🌈 boys edition

Respect my boundaries, and I too would respect yours.
Let us be mature about each other's preference.

Regarding haibeesnox

It is a shame that we're finally reaching an era where we need to put a disclaimer in regards the most basic thing that should've been regarded as common sense/general knowledge.While I do write dark contents on a regular basis, or what internet people would deem to be "problematic stuffs", I do not condone nor support crime acts such as rape/murder/and such.You know the drill, be mature about a person's taste. Learn to separate fictions and reality.Go touch some grass.